ISKCON Berkeley

Ratha-yātrā 2022 (San Francisco Golden Gate Park)

56th Annual (2022) – Festival of the Chariots

Sunday August 14th, 2022 

Welcome to the 56th annual Festival of Chariots.  His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, organized the first Jagannātha Ratha-yātrā festival in 1967 in San Francisco.

Jagannātha means ‘Lord of the Universe’.  It is mentioned in the vedic literatures, rathe ca vamanam drstva punar janma na vidyate, “Simply by seeing the Lord on the chariot, one makes advancement for stopping the repetition of birth and death.”

Receive Lord Jagannātha’s Mercy! 

For timing, directions, and parking click “more info“.

The event is finished.


Aug 14 2022


10:15 am

More Info

Rathayatra Start Point


Rathayatra Start Point
740 John F Kennedy Dr., San Francisco, CA 94122
Festival Site

Location 2

Festival Site
272 Bowling Green Dr., San Francisco, CA 94122